Sebastian Strinning: Tenor saxophone, bass clarinet

Natalie Peters: Voice

Yara Li Mennel: violin, voice&dance

Jacek Chmiel: Zither, electronics, Filed recordings, singing bowls

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The recording “Catacryptico” documents the inspiring encounter of four very different musicians.

 Sebastian Strinning is among the most interesting representatives of Switzerland’s current free jazz scene.  Natalie Peters and Yara Li Mennel from Locarno have been working together for several years, relying entirely on a natural, spontaneous use of voice and instrument, finding new aesthetics through their communicative abilities. 

Jacek Chmiel, from Poland, studied in Basel with Fred Frith and moves in an exciting field  of tension between deep listening and powerful sonic gestures. To fully exploit the meeting of these different characters, the music develops entirely in the “here and now.” 

The resulting recording fascinates with the musicians merging into soundscapes that arise unpredictably, ultimately enchanting with their harmony and intensity.
The quartet moves with strength, confidence, and at the same time delicacy through the individual pieces. 

They are compositions of the moment, poetic ciphers emerging from the deep feelings of those involved.
The title, a play on words combining “catacombs” and “cryptic,” alludes to this.

Sara Käser / Natalie Peters (Lucerne/Ticino, CH)

Sara Käser (cello)

Natalie Peters (voice) 

What does it sound like when we listen to our inner world, resonate with the sound of life and create music from it that can develop freely in its form?

For over 6 years, Natalie Peters and Sara Käser have been pursuing these questions in their playing. Their music can be described as uncompromising, unadjusted and idiosyncratic.

But also as a search for the wonderful. Their sound fabrics are fragile, but always connected with an inner breath that carries and develops the ephemeral nature of their music.

Interview for Archipel Radio:…/20230403_20230403_0858&playlist=1…#


The Ensemble Sous-Sol is a collective that has been dedicated to the study of improvisation as a musical art form for 12 years. The motivated and idiosyncratic ensemble meets regularly in Natalie Peters’ studio in Locarno to pursue their research. The music they play, deepen and intensify is deeply connected to the personalities of the participants and their everyday experiences.

For Natalie Peters, who directs this project, creative music is first and foremost a medium for subtler levels in human communication. For her, the practice of listening is a key to an Authentic Music
that is connected to fellow human beings and world events, but also activates a deep interpersonal dialogue. Real listening opens, expands perception and refreshes thinking. The collective draws its motivation from this approach.

The collective has already performed with top musicians such as Barre Phillips, Joelle Léandre, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Gerry Hemingway, Paul Lovens, Michel Doneda, Urs Leimgruber, Harry Sjöström or the Trio DDK.

Anyone who has heard the ensemble knows how unique its concerts are.

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Quartett Zimmerlin/ Rohrer/ Chmiel/ Peters

4 musicians. Each one transmits his vibration to the instrument.

What vibrates is set free. Finds paths on which sounds travel and meet. Suddenly, music is created between the people, the players. It is effective through the play of the musicians, it creates the present and interweaves with the spirit of time and the times. Dimensions reveal themselves and dimensions appear and enter into a relationship with each other on different levels. A world of sound is created that continually throws its anchor into the now.

Alfred Zimmerlin: cello
Thomas Rohrer: rabeca, objects
Jacek Chmiel: electronics, singing bowls, zither
Natalie Peters: voice, objects:

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